Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Cat

When you work at home the interruptions and distractions are still there, but usually take a different form than the hustle and crap at an office.

On Thursday a guy cut the next door neighbor's entire front and side yard with a weed wacker. I thought it was a chain saw at first. After 1/2 hour I finally looked out and saw he was only about 1/3 of the way through. So I took a break, took a shower, read a short story. This was a luxury - a day without deadlines. I had about 20 emails when I got back but no one complained.

Almost every day, my cat climbs onto the keyboard and puts his nose right in my face. There is no ignoring him. If I relocate him to another part of the desk, or a chair, anywhere else, he just accepts that part of the routine and comes right back. So Friday I just tried relaxing when he got there, petting him, just sitting with him.

It was calming and peaceful, just like all the articles describe. Not sure if my blood pressure went down but it felt like it. And I really looked at him - he has odd black patches - across one eye and around his ear, a stripe down the back of one leg, and then a completely black tail. We just sat and looked at each other for a few minutes, and then he went on his way.

King Deighv


Dana said...

Here's the thing about cats...They are the most profound domesticated pet one can learn from. If you tick em' off, they have a "valid" reason for pissing on your favorite throw pillow or couch cushion....I mean, you have to really ask remind yourself how lucky you are to be in the presence of such greatness right? Cats don't want want what they want - and they decide this as soon as you bring their pissy little butts home from whence they came. My father has a constant and daily smorgasboard lined up 5 dishes down the kitchen wall from Fancey Feast (of which his spoiled little ass ONLY drinks the juice leaving the meat product on the plate to be thrown away) to Friskies crunchies with milk flavor for those afternoon grazing sessions.
Yeah. Uhhh huh....Oh...and his nam is "Prince Patches"

Me said...

Prince Patches! It's King Deighv's cousin!

You are so right! still, gotta love 'em...