Saturday, September 27, 2008


I can't say enough good stuff about the Wallace listserv. A bunch of over-educated, incredibly well-read and intimidatingly erudite people, turn out to be the nicest, most generous people I've met on any list.

Here's some examples of generosity since DFW died:

George sent out cd's of recordings that he and his friends had acted out, of unpublished interviews from Brief Interviews with Hideous Men.

Ryan created a database that compiled essays by and about DFW.

People who had met him or were his students told very personal anecdotes.

One person started a thread of all the news coverage and tributes so we wouldn't have to search them out.

Jason Kottke ( designed a T-shirt as a tribute to both Infinite Jest and DFW.

Nick of The Howling Fantods bought more server space for storage and extra traffic.

And several people have offered to moderate a re-read of Infinite Jest.

That's just in the past two weeks.

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